Former Senior Associate A.D./Internal Operations | Oral Roberts University“In the short time since we signed on with Win AD the return on investment has been significant. We saved countless hours on detailed analysis of peer institutions in our conference, as well as nationally. This led to an increase in budget allocations for the upcoming fiscal year which would not have been possible without Win AD.”

Former President | Bowling Green State University“Win AD has been very beneficial for us at Bowling Green State University as we benchmark peer contracts and conduct financial analysis. Win AD is a valuable tool for our leadership on campus and in athletics.”

Former Deputy Athletics Director | Cal Poly“I can’t imagine not having Win AD at this point. I feel like I would be handcuffed if I didn’t have it. We saw a return on investment of at least $100,000 on one transaction.”

Former Executive Associate Athletic Director | University of Nebraska Omaha“Win AD definitely paid for itself. It was a great investment – nobody is questioning that. It’s been a significant asset for us and it’s easy to justify the subscription. If you know you have a contract to negotiate, I don’t know why you wouldn’t invest in it.”

Director of Athletics | Georgia Southern University
[Formerly at Mississippi State University]“Win AD is a tremendous resource for us at Mississippi State University. Access to review contractual-related information assisted us with several personnel searches in the past year and ultimately afforded us the ability to know the current landscape. Win AD has also positioned us favorably to negotiate third-party agreements and game contracts. The ROI of Win AD is off the charts.”

Former Director of Athletics | Iowa State“Once you’ve experienced using Win AD data, the price is irrelevant.” – View case study »

Former Director of Intercollegiate Athletics | Morgan State“Until you have this type of information at your fingertips, you don’t know what you’re missing. I can’t imagine going through my first full year as an AD without having Win AD at my disposal. The guarantee games database alone makes Win AD a no brainer. In our first negotiation for a guarantee game we made an additional $20,000.” – View case study »

Former Director of Athletics | Minot State University“Win AD is a game changer. I can’t believe we get it for the price relative to the value. I’ve already made back my investment 10X in two years.” – View case study »

Director of Athletics | College of Charleston“Win AD is an invaluable resource for college administrators. From contracts to budgets to salary information, the data provided equips administrators with the information they need to make strategic decisions. Win AD continues to evolve with our industry. It’s uses are limitless.”

Former Director of Athletics | Texas A&M – Commerce“Win AD will more than pay for itself. When you talk about negotiating guarantee games, vendor deals or just saving time researching salary or other financial information, it will pay for itself either in increased revenue or savings on the expense side.”

Former Deputy Director of Athletics | University of Toledo“Win AD is worth it’s weight in gold. If you’re considering Win AD, don’t hesitate. It’s a no-brainer.”

Athletics Director | Lincoln University“The bottom line is that Win AD is crucial for negotiating contracts and building rapport. From one negotiation alone, Win AD has already paid for itself tenfold.”

Former Senior Associate AD – External Operations | Ohio University“The industry information that we compiled through Win AD was invaluable as we worked through our official outfitter RFP process. It not only gave us an understanding of contract values at peer schools but also provided some insight into specific contract language that helped us draft our RFP and ultimately our contract.”

Former Director of Athletics | Texas Tech“Win AD is one of the best and most valuable services in our industry.”

Director of Athletics | Oklahoma Baptist University“Win AD has been a very valuable tool in the day-to-day operations of our Athletics Department. We use it to compare everything from salaries to vendor agreements. When we want to know how we stack up against our competition, we simply go to Win AD. I highly recommend it to all AD’s who are trying to stay up to date in what is going on in the industry.”

Former Senior Associate AD of Capital, Events, and Facilities | Penn State“Win AD has been a great asset to our Athletic Department. We have been able to utilize the data available to maximize revenue from our third party vendor agreements and increase scheduling revenue by utilizing the Guarantee Games database. Win AD is a must-have for college athletic administrators.”

Former Sr. Associate Athletics Director / CFO | East Carolina University“Is Win AD worth the money? On our most recent apparel deal, if you consider a 6 figure annual return on investment over the next 10 years compared to the Win AD subscription fee, it’s worth every penny.” – View case study »

Deputy AD / CFO | University of Nebraska“The Win AD database, and specifically the Conference Database & Reports, is outstanding. In the past I have often searched and created similar views in preparation for negotiations, so having this data at my fingertips will save valuable time. Even more impressive, the ability to drill into details with one click allows for instant access to important details for contract clarification. Win AD’s innovation continues to impress.”

Athletic Director | Central Arkansas“The guarantee game database easily makes Win AD well worth the investment. We’ve seen a 5x return on investment in guarantee game negotiations alone – not including value we receive from the other databases. I highly recommend Win AD because it pays for itself.”

Sr. Associate Athletic Director | University of Alaska Anchorage“Win AD allows our department to make data-driven decisions, whether it be negotiating vendor contracts or benchmarking our finances. Our investment in Win AD paid for itself immediately, and has allowed us to manage and measure all facets of our department efficiently and effectively.”

Senior Associate AD for Development | North Texas“You may not immediately think of Win AD as a fundraising tool, but it has been an incredible resource for me in preparing for donor visits. Particularly, as it pertains to gathering relevant, reliable benchmarking data. Donors are constantly comparing us to conference peers and other in-state institutions. Win AD provides a litany of accurate information which adds validity and substance to our conversations with donors, and helps us educate them on the competitive landscape.”

Associate AD | Sacramento State“If it weren’t for the Win AD Leadership Development Program, I wouldn’t be here today. The information I used for interview preparation helped me succeed in the interview and seize a significant career advancement opportunity.” – Watch Google Hangout »

Athletics Director | UNC Charlotte“The information at your disposal from Win AD is truly remarkable. We’ve been amazed at how often we’ve used this invaluable service. It’s extremely helpful on a variety of fronts and very well done.”

Athletics Director | Colorado State University-Pueblo“Win AD has been one of the best investments made by our institution in the past 10 years. I use the website on a weekly basis to review financial content, explore other Division II institutions and plan for growth opportunities within our own department. Win AD offers an affordable service to Division II schools looking to make the most of their financial situation or grow beyond their current status. I would highly recommend Win AD to anyone looking for a practical business resource.”

Director of Athletics | Boston College“I think Win AD is an incredible tool. It’s a must-have and saves you money. I would absolutely recommend it to other ADs.”

Deputy Director of Athletics | University of Louisiana Lafayette“As an Athletic Director, you need Win AD – it’s well worth it. Otherwise you’re lacking information that you need to make decisions at our level.”

Director of Athletics | Drake University“Win AD has paid for itself many times over while negotiating numerous guarantee game contracts and coach contracts. It has also helped us communicate with our university president more effectively. Win AD is a great value and is a tool that we’ll utilize for years to come.”

Deputy Athletic Director | Southern Miss“In today’s landscape of intercollegiate athletics, administrators need great teammates. Win AD is just that and more! The information is timely and reliable which helps us make informed decisions. Moreover, Win AD not only provides critical data but also promotes idea generation for our department. We’re a better organization with Win AD by our side!”

Director of Athletics | Saint Leo University“We began using Win AD two years ago and it has been a valuable resource for us. As we have progressed into a Learfield Top 20 program, benchmarking the contracts of successful coaches using Win AD has been very important. It has assisted us in separating facts from fiction, by providing us the exact contract to assist us in making strategic decisions about our staff. We have also used Win AD in the renewal of our pouring rights contract this year. It was eye opening. Win AD will pay for itself from this agreement alone.”

Director of Athletics | Texas A & M“You need this information. It will help you in your daily tasks, it will help you balance your budget, generate more revenue, and be more creative while operating in intercollegiate athletics.”

Chief Financial Officer | Mountain West Conference“The Mountain West is using Win AD strategically to make better informed decisions and streamline reporting. We paid for our entire subscription in one negotiation. Additionally, Win AD continues to add new features based on our feedback. They’ve demonstrated a willingness and ability to listen to their customers’ needs and tailor their product accordingly.”

Director of Athletics | Campbell University“The ROI of Win AD? It pays for itself, period. When you’re negotiating large vendor deals, you have to have it.” – View case study »

Director of Athletics | Cleveland State University“Win AD helps D-II ADs make informed, data-driven decisions. It’s been very helpful in determining accurate & competitive salaries for coaches and administrators nationally, regionally and within our own conference. The easy access to relevant information has allowed us to quickly make strategic decisions in areas such as budgeting, ticketing, marketing and staffing.”

Director of Athletics | Auburn University“Win AD is a comprehensive database that has allowed us to maximize our revenues and manage our enterprise in an efficient manner. Our efforts for hiring and negotiating coaches’ contracts and determining market value for guarantee games have been effortless with Win AD. We are better administrators with Win AD at our fingertips and the value is undeniable.”

Director of Athletics | University of California, San Diego“I have invested in many things over the years to enhance my skills and knowledge as an athletic director. I can honestly say that the best investment that I ever made was purchasing the Win AD program. It’s helped me with salaries, corporate sponsorship, scheduling etc. These areas were particularly helpful as we transitioned from DII to DI.”

Sr. Associate AD | Oklahoma“Win AD is an invaluable resource that provides rich data for intercollegiate athletic professionals to make informed decisions. The MBB game scheduling tool is yet another resource that allows us to make decisions to best serve our student-athletes.”

Director of Athletics | Boston University“Anyone who’s in athletics needs to know the market and be ahead of it. We need detailed information, not anecdotal data. Win AD is one-stop shopping.””We saved between $10,000 and $15,000. Win AD paid for itself in one negotiation. We felt like the service was free from that point forward.” – View case study »

Athletic Director | University of San Diego“If you’re in college athletics and don’t have Win AD in your toolbox, you’ve got one arm tied behind your back.”

Athletic Director | Tiffin University“Win AD absolutely paid for itself. My peers have asked me ‘how can you afford Win AD?’ And I respond, ‘how can you afford not to do it?’ We’ve already recouped the investment in the first 4 months.”

Former Senior Associate Athletic Director | UT Arlington“In terms of technology, Win AD is the best money we’ve spent in the last decade”

Director of Athletics | VCU“Win AD is a fantastic resource. It has been a critical component of our coach retention efforts by allowing us to compare salaries, contracts and helps us communicate with our coaches using real data. We’ve used it across the board in so many ways, from pouring rights to guarantee games to financial benchmarking. It’s also helped us communicate more effectively with our university stakeholders.” – Watch Hangout »

Deputy Athletic Director | Stanford“There’s no doubt in my mind you should have Win AD. It will save you time and make you money.” – View case study »

Commissioner | America East Conference“I think it’s absolutely essential for decision-makers to have access to relevant data and we’re using it more than ever in our conference through tools such as Win AD.” – View conference commissioner round table »

Director of Athletics | Wright State“Win AD has been a very powerful tool for us at Wright State University. We have used the data collected in contract negotiations with vendors, saving us budget dollars and manpower hours that would have been needed for proper research. We have also used Win AD data to help us save money in contract negotiations with coaches and administrators. This program has more than paid for itself.”

Deputy Athletic Director | Marquette“Win AD puts the information you need at your fingertips. We’ve achieved 100% return on investment, and only used 20% of the data.” – View case study »

Deputy AD | Charlotte“Clear ROI has been achieved. Win AD is a tremendous asset to our department.” – View case study »

CFO | Liberty University“Win AD absolutely had a positive financial impact on our pouring rights negotiation.” – View case study »

Sr. Associate AD | Virginia Tech“Win AD is a tool that delivers. The customer service at Win AD is outstanding and they’re always trying to identify new and different ways to help their customers. They’re innovative, listen and produce.”

Director of Athletics | Tulane University“Not only am I better prepared to be successful in my job, but the data generated positive net income when considered against the expense of the subscription.”

Vice President for Athletics | Shepherd University“The flexibility of the system has been incredible. The ability to drill down from conference, to school, to a specific individual is what makes the system so unique. All of the drop menus that are offered within the system really make locating specific information a breeze.”

Deputy Athletics Director | Colorado State“You should absolutely invest in Win AD. It’s the best money you’ll spend all year. I honestly don’t even bother to think about
the ROI on Win AD because I know we’re getting more than we pay for.”

Deputy AD / CFO | Missouri“As you’ve continued to add new tools, renewing our Win AD subscription every year has become a no-brainer.””Once we got into it, we realized that it offers much more than just salary data, and one negotiation can pay for the subscription cost many times over by giving you better information.”

Director of Athletics | Air Force Academy“The information available through the Win AD database is absolutely critical to your daily success in this business. Your competition is using Win AD and you need the same timely and accurate data to make your best informed decisions. The system is easy to navigate and the wealth of data and analysis are invaluable.”

Chief Operating Officer | Auburn University“It’s a major advantage to be armed with information, and there is no substitute for accurate information in our business. With Win AD, we are able to get accurate and current information, allowing us to enhance our decision-making processes.”

Former Director of Athletics | Utah Valley University“When you arm yourself with the knowledge that Win AD provides, you’re better at your job. You have the ability to do better things: better things for your coaches, better things for your student athletes. So I would say, sign up as soon as you can and start learning that information. Start being able to use that information.”

Sr. Associate AD | Penn State“My experience has been extremely positive and a resource that is my lifeline when researching and benchmarking coach compensation issues. The funny thing is…I used to use it only for that purpose, but the more I familiarized myself with the product, I realized that it is incredibly helpful in other areas, such as apparel deals, athletic guarantees, concessions providers, etc.”

Athletics Director | Pitt State“The information available on Win AD is very reliable and usable. You can easily find the data you need to make comparisons on salaries and contract information, budget information, marketing information, etc. It is a great investment for any department who needs information on like institutions when requested by CEO’s, boards, and others.”

Director of Athletics | Northwestern State“Not having the Win AD information at your disposal is like running a fast break without the ball. Having updated and detailed information is essential to the decisions we have to make as athletic directors on a daily basis.”

Former Director of Athletics | Fordham University“I find myself going to Win AD numerous times per week to research many different areas from salaries to game contracts. Its been a great resource and I would highly recommend Win AD to all of my peers. I’m not sure what I would do without it.”

Chief Executive Officer | Women Leaders in College Sports“Win AD has been an invaluable resource for Women Leaders in College Sports and for our members in advancing their careers and defining success as athletics leaders. Knowledge is power, and we continue to see the most successful leaders in intercollegiate athletics utilize the knowledge provided by Win AD.”

Sr. Associate Athletic Director, Chief Financial Officer | UCLA“In our world of finances and budgets, the information and variety of resources that Win AD provides is invaluable. The need for access to accurate and relevant information in order to make timely data driven decisions is imperative. It’s like adding another member to our staff.”

Director of Athletics | Lynn University“Win AD is the most efficient and productive resource available for collegiate athletics administrators.”

Athletic Director | University at Albany“Win AD was a critical asset when preparing for my job interview. It allowed me to demonstrate a sound understanding of University of Albany athletics relative to our peers and the data helped me articulate my vision. The feedback I received from the committee centered on how well prepared I was and how I could help the university and athletic department move forward from a financial perspective.”